- Seit 2019: Member of the Advisory Board Berlin Bosphorous Initiative
- since 2016 Bonn: Adviser to the episcopal working group “European affairs” German Bishops’ Conference (Catholic church)
- since 2015 Berlin: Visiting Lecturer Berlin School of Economics and Law
- since 2011 Passau: Visiting Lecturer University of Passau Jean Monnet Chair for European Studies.
- since 2003 Berlin: Secretary General of European Movement Germany.
- 2009: Tartu: University Teaching at Tartu Ülikool Eurocollege.
- 2003-2011: Secretary General of Europa-Union Deutschland (honourable position)
- 2000-2003 Berlin/Bratislava/Zagreb: Research Associate Institut for European Politics. Project Manager Federal Foreign Office on EU Rapprochement of Slovakia and Croatia. Advisor to the Slovak Government Office in Bratislava. Co-operation with the Ministry for European Integration in Zagreb.
- 2000 Cologne: Public Relations Adviser MEDIA CONSULTA Deutschland GmbH.
- 1999-2000 Stuttgart: Associate at Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH.
- 1999 Bonn: final university degree Master of Arts: Political Science, Modern History, Public & European Law at University of Bonn: “The South Tyrolean question with a special focus on the European integration”.
- 1992-1998 Bonn or Brussels: Head of office of the Young European Federalists.
- 1970-1990 Paderborn: u.a. Marienschule, Domchor Paderborn, Gymnasium Theodorianum.